747k , free
Simple sunset livewallpaper.
Sunset in Jeju island, South Korea.
some waterizing.
It is one of a series of reflecting scenery.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854
Thank you.
2011년 1월 28일 금요일
2011년 1월 20일 목요일
AirClock LiveWallpaper
3M , free
It based on Orientation Senser. flow Clouds & background scrolling.
2 clock mode(Simple, Flighting) & 3D effect on/off.
Leave your rating & comment.
Click below 'more applications' to see more of my work.
same name is same apps.
Thank you :)
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854

Thank you.
It based on Orientation Senser. flow Clouds & background scrolling.
2 clock mode(Simple, Flighting) & 3D effect on/off.
Leave your rating & comment.
Click below 'more applications' to see more of my work.
same name is same apps.
Thank you :)
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854

Thank you.
2011년 1월 14일 금요일
Sensor apply to LiveWallpaper (라이브월페이퍼에 센서 적용하기)
My LWP(Penguin, Pendulum, love sign, illusion window) applied Orientation Sensor. I introduce that way. It will be a low-grade courses because I do not understand and do exactly :)
First, the basic structure of live wallpapers should assume that you know.
저의 라이브월페이퍼 (펭귄, 펜더럼, 러브사인, 일루젼윈도우 )에는 오리엔테이션 센서가 적용되었습니다. 그 방법을 소개하고자 하는데, 저도 정학하게 이해하고 있는 것은 아니므로 허접한 튜토리얼 되겠네요;;
일단, 기본적인 라이브월페이퍼의 구조는 안다고 가정하고 시작합니다.
1. implement SensorEvent Listener & Variable declaration.
먼저 월페이퍼 엔진에 센서를 적용하겠다고 implements 하고 변수를 선언을 합니다.
2. Sensor activation(?).
센서를 활성화 시킵니다(?).
변수에 센서값을 담습니다.
values[2] is the horizontal tilting value -90~90
values[1] is the vertical tilting value -180~180
I don't know what doing onAccuracyChanged. But should be.
오리엔테이션 센서의 값을 변수에 담습니다. onAccuracyChanged 는 무엇에 쓰이는지 잘모르겠지만 없으면 에러가 납니다.
4. Now let's apply a value. ( Describes the background portion is.)
이제 값을 적용합시다. (배경부분만..)
canvas move to the middle of the window.
켄버스 중간으로 기준점을 이동합니다.
sensor value is too big. 1 / 20 size to take effect.
센서값이 너무 크므로 1/20만 적용합니다.
Turn the posted value is too large. (when user lie down)
세로값 90도이상(뒤집어 졌을때) 값이 매우 크므로 조정해줍니다.
matrix setPolyToPoly apply.
canvas move to 0,0
켄버스 원위치
... background draw ...
이제 배경이미지를 그리면 됩니다~~
Is over how to apply :)
이상으로 적용 방법입니다.
First, the basic structure of live wallpapers should assume that you know.
저의 라이브월페이퍼 (펭귄, 펜더럼, 러브사인, 일루젼윈도우 )에는 오리엔테이션 센서가 적용되었습니다. 그 방법을 소개하고자 하는데, 저도 정학하게 이해하고 있는 것은 아니므로 허접한 튜토리얼 되겠네요;;
일단, 기본적인 라이브월페이퍼의 구조는 안다고 가정하고 시작합니다.
1. implement SensorEvent Listener & Variable declaration.
먼저 월페이퍼 엔진에 센서를 적용하겠다고 implements 하고 변수를 선언을 합니다.
class TestPatternEngine extends Engine implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener, SensorEventListener {private SensorManager sensorManager; private Sensor sensor; private int kkk; private float xm, ym ; ... }
2. Sensor activation(?).
센서를 활성화 시킵니다(?).
TestPatternEngine() { sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); sensor = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION); sensorManager.registerListener(this, sensor, kkk); ... }3. Put the orientation sensor value to variables (xm, ym).
변수에 센서값을 담습니다.
values[2] is the horizontal tilting value -90~90
values[1] is the vertical tilting value -180~180
I don't know what doing onAccuracyChanged. But should be.
오리엔테이션 센서의 값을 변수에 담습니다. onAccuracyChanged 는 무엇에 쓰이는지 잘모르겠지만 없으면 에러가 납니다.
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event){ synchronized(this){ switch(event.sensor.getType()){ case Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION: xm = (float)event.values[2]; ym = (float)event.values[1]; break; } } } @Override public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub }
4. Now let's apply a value. ( Describes the background portion is.)
이제 값을 적용합시다. (배경부분만..)
canvas move to the middle of the window.
켄버스 중간으로 기준점을 이동합니다.
sensor value is too big. 1 / 20 size to take effect.
센서값이 너무 크므로 1/20만 적용합니다.
xx = (float) xm/20; yy = (float) ym/20;
Turn the posted value is too large. (when user lie down)
세로값 90도이상(뒤집어 졌을때) 값이 매우 크므로 조정해줍니다.
if (ym<=-90){ yy = -(180+ym)/20; }else if(ym>=90 ){ yy = (180-ym)/20; }
matrix setPolyToPoly apply.
float[] src = { 0, 0, 64, 0, 64, 64, 0, 64 }; float[] dst = { 0, 0, 64+yy, xx, 64-yy, 64-xx, 0, 64 }; mMatrix.setPolyToPoly(src, 0, dst, 0, src.length >> 1); c.concat(mMatrix);
canvas move to 0,0
켄버스 원위치
... background draw ...
이제 배경이미지를 그리면 됩니다~~
Is over how to apply :)
이상으로 적용 방법입니다.
2011년 1월 10일 월요일
Wave livewallpaper
37k, 1.1$
This livewallpaper is sony playstation style wave.
Customizing :
- Text Size, Edit message
- Direction(Horizontal, vertical 1,2)
- display mode (line, gradient, both)
- cycle( wave cycles)
- Background Color
- Particles feature
- Particles Amount
- Particles transparency
Luxurious and glamorous as the background image decorate.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
This livewallpaper is sony playstation style wave.
Customizing :
- Text Size, Edit message
- Direction(Horizontal, vertical 1,2)
- display mode (line, gradient, both)
- cycle( wave cycles)
- Background Color
- Particles feature
- Particles Amount
- Particles transparency
Luxurious and glamorous as the background image decorate.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
Bored Seal LiveWallpaper
25k, 1.1$
Seal just Rolled around.
Shining eyes. Hair shake.
It has an editable message & Snow falling.
*text color is not changable. Screen shot is fault.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
Seal just Rolled around.
Shining eyes. Hair shake.
It has an editable message & Snow falling.
*text color is not changable. Screen shot is fault.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
Who's your Lover?
29k, 1.1$
your feeling of love to fill in the Home screen.
Uncomplicated calm motion.
Editable your lover like "NewYork" , "You" , "Honey"...
It support to 480x800, 320x480, 240x320 but needed more than version 2.1
Thank you.
your feeling of love to fill in the Home screen.
Uncomplicated calm motion.
Editable your lover like "NewYork" , "You" , "Honey"...
It support to 480x800, 320x480, 240x320 but needed more than version 2.1
Thank you.
Snowboarder LiveWallpaper
1.1M, 1.1$
Snowboarder livewallpaper is based on Orientation Sensor.
When horizontal tilt your phone, boarder turning.
When touch the screen, boader jump up
When double touch, boader jump up & rotate.
And Editable floating message.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
Snowboarder livewallpaper is based on Orientation Sensor.
When horizontal tilt your phone, boarder turning.
When touch the screen, boader jump up
When double touch, boader jump up & rotate.
And Editable floating message.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854 & 320x480
Thank you.
Winter Scenery LiveWallpaper
4.2M, 1.1$
Four Winter scenery has waterizing & snow falling.
And Editable message floating.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854
Thank you.
Four Winter scenery has waterizing & snow falling.
And Editable message floating.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854
Thank you.
Night Scenery Livewallpaper
3.9M, 1.1$
5 Night Scenery has waterizing & snow falling
And Editable Message floating.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854
Thank you.
5 Night Scenery has waterizing & snow falling
And Editable Message floating.
*LiveWallpaper support up to Android 2.1
It optimized 480x800, 480x854
Thank you.
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